Learn more ...
about home staging here!
" Home Staging"
may not be....
...what you think it is:
We focus on marketing from the buyers' POV:
* curb appeal
* solutions to difficult issues: odors, pets, cleaning, changes needed & why
* paint solutions and color choices
* repairs and updates with options
* highlighting fixed features
* furniture/accessory/art placement
* downplaying distractions
* what to "pre-pack" and style what's left
* key supplemental pieces to buy or rent
...by educating and positively supporting the sellers throughout the whole prepping process.

"Home staging is more than an exercise in tasteful interior design. It is a business decision that can have a huge impact on your financial return and timeline."
--Keller Williams in Stage It, Sell It, Profit

How does staging
my house help it sell?

1. Staging typically increases the value of a home by 6-20%.
2. The cost of staging is ALWAYS less than your first price reduction!
3. Staged houses spend up to 90% less time on the market.
4. Beautiful photos highlighting your home's features are key to making a lasting first impression.
5. Staged homes appeal to more buyers because they are set up based on what buyers want to see and feel in a house.
(Research from the NAR (National Association of Realtors) Profile of Home Staging
Report from 2021, and recent RESA (Real Estate Staging Association) studies.)

Common Response to Staging:
"I'd rather wait and see how it does first."
Why Stage, and Stage on Day One on the Market?
Staged houses sell up to 90% faster (RESA) when staged from Day One on the market, and for up to 6-20% more than homes left vacant when selling (NAR).
You will never get a better chance to get more buyers looking at your house than on Day One on the market.
FIVE TIMES MORE people will look at a listing Day One on the market than anytime after. If they don't connect, they are moving on!
More about....
Vacant Home Staging

If you were the buyer, which
room would appeal to you more ?

...Or this one? It's inspiring,
aspiring, comfortable and inviting!
Empty, lifeless, with no emotional connection points...

Staged & Styled by
Home Transformations Staging & ReDesign
More about....
Occupied Home Staging

If you were the buyer, which
room would appeal to you more ?

"Lived-in Look"
A personalized design
distracts buyers.
"Styled to Sell"
Starting with a Consultation, we can then use the owner's items and/or ours to prepare for buyers!

If you found a financial planner who could give you a return on investment (ROI) of 5%, 10%, or sometimes as much as 20% (over the unstaged asking price), “wouldn’t you think they were a genius? Well, that’s what a good stager can do.”
Sid Pinkerton, a NYC stager in Investopedia.
First impressions...
are KEY to selling for more money.
You want your house to stand out from the competition. You want to attract more buyers and earn more money from the sale, while selling fast to reduce your stress!

....of buyers' agents said that staging has at least some effect on the buyers’ view of the home,
AND a full

.....of buyers were DISAPPOINTED in how homes appeared compared to their expectations. :-(
So we show buyers what they want, because they will pay
more for that lifestyle!

So get this: A full...
....of homes that were staged sold for 5-23% over list price!
This would be tens of thousands of dollars in your pocket! Just a 10% increase on a $200,000 home would be $20,000 for you!
** Data from 2021 National Association of Realtor's Profile on Home Staging Report

We use your items or ours to design your house to be what buyers want! Your listing pictures WILL get more attention, leading to more showings and buyers falling in LOVE with the house when visiting.
Buyers buy on emotion, so let us customize the design plan for your house to drastically increase its marketability.

Home Staging is the only investment with an average ROI of 586%!
(Vacant staging stats via Bankrate. Even more for Consults and Occupied stagings!)
Staged & Styled by
Home Transformations Staging & ReDesign

How a buyer FEELS in a home can make the difference of
thousands and thousands of $$$!
* Mileage Charges: Based on Google Maps calculations, the first 30 minutes each way is included; $1/minute applied for additional time over 60 minutes from and to Grove City-- Round trip. Applies per trip and will be added to bill.